We learn that Carrie and Mr. Big have decided to go childfree when an overeager fan asks when they intend to have kids. "It's just not for us," Carrie says. "So it's just going to be the two of you?" asks the fan, her voice dripping with pity. (Quotes are approximate. Ever tried to take good notes in a dark theater?)
Later, Carrie expands on the theme: "We've talked about it a lot. We both love kids, but it's just not who we are." And: "We're adults without children; we have the luxury to design our lives the way we want." Mr. Big chimes in: "Are we enough? Kid, we're too much."(來源:本文作者提倡不生小孩有益環保,慎入!)
Charlotte如願以償當了母親,不過兩個女兒Lily & Rose讓她非常頭痛,Rose一天到晚哭不停,Lily居然毀了她的骨董Valentino裙子(不過我覺得很妙,她在家做杯子蛋糕,居然還是全身穿名牌,可能她的衣櫃沒有平價服飾吧Orz),讓她難過得躲到儲藏室大哭。(OS:如果是我,應該會狠狠的甩黃胖胖幾巴掌吧XD)